Wednesday, 11 July 2012

Well, THAT was predictable.

I said it, and so I jinxed myself.
I am now behind again. Or still behind, and yesterday I was just overly optimistic/an idiot.

But, I did swear by Odin's Beard that there would be photos, so here are some:

Here are the ones that are completely completed, headbands, combs, labels and all:
(The middle row are Saturns and Saucers)

Here are the ones that I still have to label, etc:
(The pointy bases are drops, the round are domes)

Heading to the last horse races of the season now, followed by Ladies Night (girls drink for freeeeeeeeeeeee). Buut since I'm not ahead of my schedule now, I still have to come into work tomorrow and DO STUFF. AARGH. Toss it.

Tuesday, 10 July 2012

Tuesday 10th July, people!

Do you know what today is?
Today is not only my beautiful barrister brother's birthday (also the birthday of my lovely little cousin Lian), it HAPPENS to be the day I am back. On. Schedule!
Or, dare I say it, ahead of schedule?
No, I don't dare. I would definitely be jinxing myself.

Anyway, I've decorated quite a few hats today, which means I can spend tomorrow concentrating on attaching headbands, combs and labels to the Saturns and Saucers, and headbands and labels to the Domes and Drops. Don't know what I'm talking about? That's okay, I shall have photos up tomorrow.


Monday, 2 July 2012

Happy Handover!*

Today is the 11th day of my challenge, and for the second Monday in a row I have completely forgotten it's a public holiday:

June 23               Tuen Ng Festival (Saturday)
July 1                  Hong Kong SAR Establishment Day (Sunday)
July 2*                 The day following Hong Kong SAR Establishment Day (Monday)

*Happy Day Following Hong Kong SAR Establishment Day!

15 years yesterday!
Fireworks - happy.
Public holiday - happy.
Political protesters marching the streets - not so happy.
Shops closed meaning I cannot buy supplies like I had planned - annoyed and grumpy.

Anyway, I've *mostly* done 20 hats, so I'm roughly on target, yay! Here's a couple of previews.

The new ones... my office is starting to get a bit crowded...

This one is my baby... I am so tempted to keep her!

Quite proud of this idea... Pheasant feather wrapped around the edge of a saucer. Going to add a burgundy flower to the headband when I attach it.

Tomorrow I plan on buying buttloads of headbands and combs and attaching them to the hats that need them. Then I'll have a little photoshoot and upload them so I can pack away the finished hats and start on the next lot!